Syranian Mountains

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Return of the Dragons
Dryrah 0 113 by Dryrah
Dec 5, 2007 22:09:06 GMT -5


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Syranian Mountains
The mountainous land of the East is largely unexplored by humans, for those that that travel here tend to never come back. For here are dragons, the last of their race. The twelve guard the land jealously, so beware those who dare to encroach on the territory of the fire-breathers! Against the rusty gray skies jut the mountains. The mountains are large, some dissappearing into the hazy clouds, and generally devoid of foliage. White spots of snow and mountain goats dot the rocky surface, giving no indication of the predators lurking in the rocks. Between the endless mountains are plains, green spots of oasis among the brown and gray rocks. Here are sparse forests, holding deer and elk with the occasional bear or pather. Deep inside the mountains are catacombs where a soul may wander for years without hope. But woe to those who find their way through the tunnels, for they are mastered by the dragons! Dragons alone know every inch of the crevasses, and any who enter will be found and eaten, for the dragons jealously guard their hordes of treasure.
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