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No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: Knight-Captain Nathanos

Sub-boards: Suggestions, Artwork, Music, Rant room., Guest Room.

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No New Posts Character Biography

Tell us about your character. their strengths, their weaknesses, as much as you can about their history

Moderators: Rugra, Knight-Captain Nathanos

Sub-board: Introduce yourself.

4 20 Nathanos
by Knight-Captain Nathanos
Dec 4, 2007 16:43:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Banner Request Board

XD does it really need a description? If you need a sig/banner, ask for one. If you can make them, help out your fellows.

Moderators: Knight-Captain Nathanos, Rugra

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No New Posts Rules of the Rpg

Rules of the site. These are to be followed, if you are new or if you're a guest please read these first.

Moderator: Knight-Captain Nathanos

Sub-board: Plot line

6 6 Dragon Friend
by Rugra
Dec 6, 2007 20:31:55 GMT -5
No New Posts Admin Room

This is where the admins decide the site's fate.

Moderators: Rugra, Knight-Captain Nathanos

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No New Posts The city of Rayne

This is the walled city-state of Rayne, capital of Nirn. The oldest of the cities, it is the largest and most extensive. It is also the city most steeped in legends. Stories of dragons, evil, and times of desolation can be heard if you know where to look for them. But few tell stories of the old days. They are pure legend, myths made up to explain the inclement weather. Or are they? Set by the sea, it is the main place for trade and imports. Grab a pint at a local tavern, take a gander at the merchandise in the trade district, or even enlist in the army and don your armor and tabard. War is always upon the city from outside tribes, and any help is greatly appreciated.

Sub-board: Guards' Barrack

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No New Posts Lianar

Lianar is the area surrounding the City of Rayne and the Mirran swamp. In its own nature, this area is very humid. .Lianar is home to both the River of Garan, and about a fifth of the Esir River. It is not safe to wonder off the roads since the new found threat of the Scourge. But if you can constantly ignore the Scourge, the obnoxious bugs and poisonous snakes Lianar can become quite enjoyable. It rains nearly every other day in Lianar, due to wars of the past. Recently since the appearance of the scourge it has been raining harder. Though there are many down sides to Lianar, there are upsides as well. The costal area of Lianar is very sandy, and when it isn't raining the weather is actually quite sunny with little if any clouds. A little ironic maybe?

Moderator: Rugra

1 1 No Regrets.
by Rugra
Dec 8, 2007 11:16:11 GMT -5
No New Posts Mirran Swamp

The Mirran Swamp lies south and just a little East of Rayne. This Swamp is below sea level, draining water from both the Bearns River and the Ocean. It is extremely difficult to see through the thick fog; the air itself is so thick some have claimed they have choked on it. The poisonous fumes, while not strong enough to kill you, will make you very ill for weeks to come, lingering heavily in your lungs. Somehow bandits have found a livable area within the swamp, making one of the few havens for lowlives. These bandits constantly raid nearby villages and some brave yet foolish raids have been attempted on Rayne and Bosnar. Yet, there is more to fear then bandits and alligators. When inside, an eerie feeling of being watched follows you forever. There have been countless unexplainable deaths within the Mirran Swamp. Sightings of a man like creature, who stands to be about eight feet tall and as agile as it is strong, have been reported. Many hunters have tried to get rid of this beast. Only about three have returned, though all unsuccessfully. Having the beast's head as a trophy is the dream of not only hunters, but adventures, knights, soldiers and wizards alike.

Moderator: Rugra

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No New Posts The Island

A slate black island two miles off the coast of Nirn here is the altar of Gaelin. It is concealed by the maelstrom and protected by the unforgiving sea and the sharp rocks that mark the barren shore. The home of Twilight's Hammer, this island is shrouded in mystery and evil.

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Vanir(Central, South)

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No New Posts Vanir

This city state is named after the region it resides in. Placed among the Esir river, it not only makes the city an ideal trade city, but also much easier to defend. In all directions, except for the North, the vast Golden Plains stretch as far as the eye can see.

Moderator: Rugra

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No New Posts The Golden Plains

The Golden Plains stretch across nearly all of Vanir. They take up the majority of the land between Syran and Garan. Countless battles have been fought on these wide open plains. The Esir, the longest river in Nirn, stretches across the flat land. During sun rise, right when the sun is on the horizon, the plains seem to turn gold for about a hour, giving the normally colorless landscape its name. Unlike the Syrian Plains, the Golden Plains are covered with farm land and are mainly used to set herds to grazing.

Moderator: Rugra

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No New Posts Kardar

North of the city state of Vanir, here exists the largest forest known to the men of Nirn. This forest expands to hundreds of miles of land, separating into two halves. One half is the foggy, hazy area known as Nebulous. Within Nebulous is an ancient tower of magic, controlled by wizards. You do not find this section of the forest, it finds you. The other half is very different from the shrouded secrecy of Nebulous. It posses giant pine trees, which can grow to be as tall as 200 feet, and has the appearance of a normal forst. At night ferocious packs of wolves are driven to kill, hungry for any flesh foolish enough to stray their way. During the day, deer and elk roam freely, it as night that one must be wary. Deep within the forest, myths tell of a human like civilization who stand to be five feet tall. They posses a unnatural control and affiliation of nature.

Moderator: Rugra

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No New Posts Bosar

The Bosar is a port city, south of the River City Vanir. The cities have been at war, constantly fighting over land and control of the nearby rivers. The soldiers here do not match up to the ones in Vanir; instead there are a rather large amount of Magic users and superior sailors. Bosar is constantly trading with Rayne, who has long served as the intermediate between Bosar and Vanir. This city separates into three sections, the water front where the citizens who live there are rather poor. Next comes the Market place, where just about anything can be found, and the finally the Castle Keep. Here nearly all the nobles live. To the west of the city, The Bearn's River flows into the ocean, separating from The Esir much farther north.

Moderator: Rugra

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No New Posts Syranian Mountains

The mountainous land of the East is largely unexplored by humans, for those that that travel here tend to never come back. For here are dragons, the last of their race. The twelve guard the land jealously, so beware those who dare to encroach on the territory of the fire-breathers! Against the rusty gray skies jut the mountains. The mountains are large, some dissappearing into the hazy clouds, and generally devoid of foliage. White spots of snow and mountain goats dot the rocky surface, giving no indication of the predators lurking in the rocks. Between the endless mountains are plains, green spots of oasis among the brown and gray rocks. Here are sparse forests, holding deer and elk with the occasional bear or pather. Deep inside the mountains are catacombs where a soul may wander for years without hope. But woe to those who find their way through the tunnels, for they are mastered by the dragons! Dragons alone know every inch of the crevasses, and any who enter will be found and eaten, for the dragons jealously guard their hordes of treasure.

Moderator: Dryrah

1 1 The Return of the Dragons
by Dryrah
Dec 5, 2007 22:09:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Droha

The extremely hilly area East of the Syranian Mountains. Barbaric tribes dot the area whom constantly wage war against each other, to prove supremacy and for honor. To outsiders they are known as the Drohans, but specifically they go by their tribe's name.

Moderator: Dryrah

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No New Posts Syrian plains

The Syrian plains seem to stretch on forever, though compared to the Golden Plains it is quite the opposite. There is little life here, for there is no shelter nor food for any animal or man. Other then the occasional bush and the very dry scrubby grass there is just as little plant life. The most distinctive trait of this plain is the extremely shallow Grigon River, which is named after the mightiest of all Barbarian chiefs. The water of this river is perfectly clear, and occasionally a few small fish can be seen swimming from the mountain spring to the sea. The Grigon River meanders across the dusty ground, starting in the Syrian mountains and ending at the ocean.

Moderator: Dryrah

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